Golf Antiques

Since my career in golf began in the mid 70s, I have collected golf antiques. On this page you will find some examples from my collection.

Please contact me if a particular item is of interest to you.Prices on application.


Mashie Cleek 

A Mashie Cleek (5 Iron) made by J Milne of Neasden Golf Club. Hickory shaft and original leather grip. Date, circa 1900.

MacGregor velocitized wood

These beautiful woods were made by MacGregor Golf around 1965, this particular example I personally restored in 1980.


MacGregor Golf velocitized Nr. 6 wood

Another view of this lovely club, in the background, its unrestored brother.

Silver tees

Two solid silver tees, dated around 1979.


Antique golf balls

The most popular golfball used at the beginning of the 1970s. 12 golf balls individually packed.

Are you interested?

If you are looking for any specific items, please contact me personally.